2019 County Cross Country Championships on 5th January 2019
at HMPSC Newbold Revel – Record Entry
We had a record entry for the Championships and the feedback from all
has been very positive. The new Venue at Newbold Revell was very well
received. It is risky to list the people we must thank in case I miss
somebody but I must give particular mention to Katie Lea (the Meeting
Secretary), all at the Malt Kiln Farm Shop, all at the Prison Service
Training College at the Newbold Revel (in particular the estates
manager) and land owners Mr and Mrs J.V. Lea and Mrs J. Aston for kindly
giving permission for access across their land.
The event could not happen without the marshals from the local community
and all of the technical officials and volunteers from the clubs.
A big thank you to all of them.