XC Champs cancelled

We have tried to reorganise the Warwickshire County Cross Country Championships for a new date but problems with the venue, problems with suppliers and the stress on the competition calendar mean that it is just not possible. Unfortunately and reluctantly we have cancelled the event.
We will be in touch by e-mail soon to outline the procedure for refunding entry fees. The event prospectus states “entry fees will be refunded less 20% to cover unavoidable costs.” but we have been able to avoid some costs and so have decided to refund 90% of the entry fees.
This is the second year “running” that we have not run the Championships because of Covid and so a number of athletes have missed an age group completely – and every athlete has missed two opportunities to medal. To compensate a little, we have decided to award a Warwickshire medal, in lieu of our Championships, to the first three Warwickshire athletes home (in each age group including Masters) at the Midland Championships. The Midlands will be held at Berry Hill, Mansfield on 29th January 2022 but if you would like to run then you need to enter as soon as possible because entries close this Friday 14th January.

County XC Champs is OFF. Covid !!

I am devastated to have to tell you that the Warwickshire and Worcestershire County Cross Country Championships scheduled for Saturday can NOT now take place. The Newbold Revel site is a Prison Officer Training College which was completely closed today because of a serious Covid outbreak.
The organising team has not yet had chance to consider all of the implications so, for example, I cant yet tell you if this is a cancellation or a postponement. Please be patient with us and look out for an update mail very early next week.
I can only apologise to you for the disappointment and the very late notice. You can imagine that we are all gutted about this but it is one of those “circumstances beyond our control” which we dread but have to deal with as best we can.
Ray Morgan
for WCAA

Ernie Eames of RSCAC

Sad to report the death of Ernie Eames of Royal Sutton Coldfield AC. Ernie was one of the foundation stones of the Club and he will be greatly missed by all members and by people in the sport more generally. There is a very fitting tribute to Ernie on the RSCAC web site. Ernie’s funeral will be at Sutton Coldfield crematorium on 11th November at 13.45